Odoo Document Management 2025

Odoo Document Management

Odoo ERP system as a digital tool that aims at driving your business to unprecedented
progress at an exceptionally fast pace, is an all-in-one tool gathering all your needs at one suite
regardless of the department, and industries. 


What is Odoo Document Management?

Odoo document management is your way to organize your document storage and archiving them in the digital era.
This is known as digital archiving.
Odoo document management system acquires tour business’s digital archiving goal
to be met from ensuring security, to data retrieval, to proper organization, hence higher work productivity.
OEC, our Odoo implementation company, works on explaining what digital archiving is unveiling its secrets here. 


Explore now What is a Digital Archiving System.


Odoo Document Management Storage System: 

For Odoo is capable of gathering any businesses’ needed data all in one module,
Odoo ensures to save these data in a categorized manner to be easily navigated.
It gives the options to tag these documents as per importance.
Additionally, it helps to create folders and subfolders, so the search process can happen smoothly.
Since you are saying goodbye to your manual paperwork, you are also leaving the possible danger
of losing old important documents or being subjected to any kind of data corruption.
Odoo document management system ensures that it archives even the oldest data,
for it works on migrating all this data depending on importance from your old system
and saving it for whenever it is needed.
This ensures your employees’ abundance of time to focus on developmental
aspects rather than classifying data and storing them. 


Privacy and Security: 

Odoo document management’s priority is to ensure your business’s security.
Therefore, the system works in a manner that entails no possible digital attack on your stored data.
Odoo is known for its high customization; therefore, we can customize your document management
system accessibility as you wish.
You can give permanent access to certain employees.
Moreover, you can set your Odoo document management system for temporary access
to certain people at certain times for editing, data insertion, or deletion.
Odoo’s features do not stop here as rather than manually having no track of what happens on the system,
Odoo gives you a clear vision of who does what action in your stored document,
ensuring you have a vantage point over your system. 


Paper-work Digitalization:  

Odoo document management expects that you will still receive some paperwork to work on.
Therefore, it has the option to scan the needed information from these papers and transform
them into digital papers, which sets all your paper-work on digital mode
and classifies them among the rest of the documents.
Additionally, Odoo has an option called OCR, which stands for optimal character recognition.
This feature allows you to pick the required excerpts from the scanned documents; hence,
either your search or data entry process will witness a huge change in the speed of the process. 


Odoo HR System:

The human resource department (HR)  is one of the most important departments
in need of Odoo document management.
This department is responsible for storing all the employees data from the moment they get hired
extending to their whole future career with your company.
Odoo makes your job easy to track the history of one of your employees as it efficiently stores
every employees’ personal and background information.
It ensures easy navigation for your HR employees as they will be able to search using one information
from any employees’ historical background to easily pop up.
Furthermore, it keeps backups of every employees’ CVs and records to ensure availability
and avoid data loss.
Since we do understand how critical it is to keep a human’s data at your own system,
Odoo document management provides you with an option for encryption that ensures
these tools cannot be used out of your business’ tools as well as notify you in case otherwise happened.
Also, in the kind of businesses that HR departments are responsible for salary handling
and payroll application, Odoo makes their job hassle free as it handles the whole process
from storing the financial data of the employees as well as categorizing the different
payroll applications for them.
If you feel like you need to have an in depth look of how Odoo document management
can be your HR department savior, you can
Request a Demo from the OEC website. 


Accounting and Finances:   

As mentioned, some companies make it the human resource department’s responsibility
to finalize financials and payrolls.
Yet, some other companies consider it the finance department to solve all the billing concerns.
Therefore, Odoo document management assists this department to integrate with the other departments
to be capable of scheduling pay-days as well as having a smooth pay process for the different departments.
Additionally, Odoo helps billing departments to create documents related to the company’s finances
from revenue to waste from.
Odoo document management is able to save drafts of the billing information the company had since its establishment.
This can be done through migrating this information from the old system,
which is the task of OEC Odoo consultants to ensure a smooth billing info migration.
For having a closer understanding of the endless ways through which Odoo can digitize your billing system,
you can follow this link.
Contact us



It has been established that one of Odoo’s goals is to ensure integration whether among the different
departments or with third-parties.
For that, Odoo works on integrating the data retention among all the different departments
to keep backup documents for whenever it is needed.
Additionally, Odoo document management integrates with other apps such as google drive
and drop-box to make sure that your system is covered and integrates
with the rest of document saving systems in the market. 


Productivity and Deadlines:  

Odoo’s mission clearly states its main focus is to ensure company’s productivity and progress.
Therefore, Odoo document management allows employees to set alerts on the different tasks to be done.
You can customize your alerts depending on the documents that are about to expire or to meet a deadline.
Furthermore, you can make sure that you get notified whenever a new task is added for you.
This improves agents’ productivity as well as avoids the possibility of overlooking
a task or mixing up deadlines of different tasks.
Additionally, you can create folders that enclose the different employees’ performance
to pinpoint areas of improvement and set progressive plans that Odoo system will also help you in.
Odoo document management system has its built in regulatory tracker to make sure that your system
follows best practices confirming highest results with reduction of legal concerns to happen.
Moreover, Odoo gives the option for your employees to work all at the same time
on the same task in order to give the space for every member to add their visions till they reach the needed decision.
This indicates how Odoo assists with easy decision making as well as raising the team spirit. 



By hiring an Odoo implementation company such as OEC, you are taking a revolutionary
step to digitize your whole system.
By requesting the Odoo document management, you are ensuring proper data retention
with horrendous reduction in the data corruption possibility.
You are creating a safe place for your business information alongside your employees personal information.
Additionally, you are making the HR department job easier since they will be able to search
any needed information and acquire it at a speedy pace.
It does not end here as it ensures proper categorization and continuous reminders
that your tasks need to get done on time.
It constantly works on digitizing your work even if the externally sent paper-work as well as ensuring
integration among all your department as well as your system with other parties.
Digital archiving and Odoo document management is a big process that has too many phases,
and OEC understands your curiosity to know more; therefore, you can
Contact us.
Also, feel free to navigate our website and know more  About Us


Digital Archiving & IT Services

2 Ahmed Ragheb Street – Garden City – Cairo – Egypt